Long Hard Lived up to his name he was hard and longer than Love2cm's cock However Love2cn 's cock was thicker stayed hard and the cum shot exploded all over her sexy tits....he cum thicker and the coverage better....if I was to judge I would have Long Hard 36 points and Love2cm 38
my judgement: Longhard:
-8 -7 -8 -14 -(number of spurts undefinible)
Loves2cm -9 -8 -9 -16 -(number of spurts undefinible)
I wanto to add some extra parameters in this nice contest:
-Shape, dimensions and lickability of cocks (Long Hard 9 Loves2cm 8) -Density (Long Hard 8 Loves2cm 9)
-(number of spurts undefinible)
-(number of spurts undefinible)
I wanto to add some extra parameters in this nice contest:
-Shape, dimensions and lickability of cocks (Long Hard 9 Loves2cm 8)
-Density (Long Hard 8 Loves2cm 9)