What a great body. Her tits are amazing. I love cumming in my wife’s mouth. She’ll give me a deep kiss then give me then give me my cum back as she’s sliding her tongue down my throat. Makes me cum all over again.
When you have seen a lot of these they become plastic and unbelievable. in the beginning you enjoy the sight of beautiful naked people fucking, and like all who go back for more we start to want more in realism and not manufactured. I find your content boring now I know you and the excitement has gone. People evolve sexually and their attitudes change just seeing you naked and have sex is not enough we want to see you be more realistic and add a story that's believable, the best ones do this with a little effort.
If you want to cum kiss her like this, you would have to take you dick out of her to let her suck it at least a little bit so you could cum in her mouth.